Hazard Database

Hazard detail

Food Type : Traditional sushi
Description : Nigiri and nori rolls

Hazard:Biological -- Spore formers -- Bacillus cereus
Source:Raw foods of plant origin are the major source of B. cereus. The widespread distribution of the organism, the ability of spores to survive dried storage and the thermal resistance of spores, means that most ready-to eat foods will contain B. cereus
Justification:Risk Profile: Bacillus cereus in rice
*Microbial Pathogen Data Sheet
*Applying HACCP to the OTP FCP clip ons of traditional sushi and Chinese style duck
Regulatory Limit:proposed: ph 4.8 or less at process step of acidifying rice
Control Measure:At pH of 4.8 or less, sushi can be kept at 15 deg C or less for up to 8 hours for nigiri; and 12 hours for nori rolls.
Reference:See 'Simply Safe and Suitable template' under the Food Act 2014 requirements: Specialist section on making sushi
Last Updated:17/10/2019


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